Houston pigeons are destructive, pest ridden birds that can cost thousands of dollars in
damages to your home and property. There are various methods of bird control on
the market today, but most are messy, involve dangerous poisons, or are inhumane.
Nets and traps can be an effective way to catch them, but then what do you with a live
Electric traps kill your unwanted guest, but now you have to touch the body and clean up
the mess. Poison can work but what about the danger to your family and pets and the earth?
Poisoned Texas pigeons most often end up falling and dying in out of the way places causing a long –
lasting stench and attracting carrion feeders. The one way exclusion funnel might be the
perfect solution for ridding your building of Houston pigeons. The one way exclusion funnel takes
advantage of the bird’s own doorway.
The simple device is ¼ hardware wire rolled into the shape of a funnel. It is attached to the
outside of the building using the pigeons own entrance/exit. To install, examine the building
thoroughly for holes used by the Houston pigeon to find their way in. Identify their main pathway by
the amount of droppings you will see and the frequency of Texas birds appearing. Seal off any other
holes you find. Place the wide end of the one way exclusion funnel over the remaining Houston pigeon hole.
By using the birds own whole so you do not alert the animal to danger. One way Exclusion funnels require
no bait, poison, or special tools to operate or install. The idea is simple. It comes out the hole through
the wide end of the funnel.
It is able to escape through the narrow end, which is just big enough for the creature to exit the funnel.
As the pigeon exits, the small funnel end collapses down, leaving a hole too small for re- entry. When the Texas
bird returns, it realizes too late that it can’t get back in. Using the exclusion funnel requires diligence.
The funnel needs to be installed while you are sure the pigeons occupy the building. Knowing when the pigeons
are gone is also important. Once you are sure they are all gone and you have checked for any nests, remove the
exclusion funnel (s) and close up the hole(s). Stow your exclusion funnel to save them for future use. With the
pests gone, clean-up is just a few simple steps. Clear all debris and feces from the area and disinfect all hard
surfaces. Once you eliminated their way in, the Houston pigeon will go off to find another home.
Visit our Houston wildlife removal home page to learn more about us.